Marc-Andre Hamelin Ionarts Review
Dec 18, 2012

In a December 16, 2012 post Ionarts critic Jens F. Laurson covers a performance by pianist Marc-Andre Hamelin in a program almost identical to the one he'll play for Shriver Hall Concert Series on January 27, 2012. You can read the full review here and a few excerpts are pasted below:
"The Debussy meanwhile was full of shades and softly subtle tones (Reflets dans l'eau), regal (Hommage à Rameau), and of a seamless rhythmic back-and-forth (Mouvement). L'Isle joyeuse was similarly sumptuous."
"Hamelin still pulls out the crazy virtuoso stuff, tough, as he did after intermission with his own Paganini Variations, a marvelously ridiculous work and just the thing for those who love him for Godowski-Chopin Étude outbreaks and Alkan acrobatics."